Lean Tools

Lean Tools Training Programmes

We use Lean Tools to improve production and efficiency by getting the most out of each resource.  Our goal is find ways of doing things better – using less effort, less time and with fewer resources.

We don’t just deliver the training to you.  What makes us different is that we provide 1:1 mentoring support to you and your employees.  Our team of experienced Consultants guide and support your team to create solutions to your work problems.  By making better process changes to your business, you can make significant improvements to your overall organisation.

Some Lean tools may be more appropriate to your work situation or business than another.  We will advise you which Lean tool would be best used in your organisation.  Contact us to see how Lean Tools can help your business to grow and succeed.

Lean Tools

Increase Productivity and Profitability for your Business

Improve Customer Loyalty and Retention

Enhance the Quality of your Product or Service

Free up People to do More Strategic and Proactive Work

Leader discussing lean project

“While I had an understanding of Lean tools beforehand, it was the mentoring that was of most value during this training.  Alex was brilliant in keeping me on track and providing guidance all the way through.”

“The training was full of practical tips.  I found the mentoring element and the suggestions on how I could do things differently to improve were most beneficial.”

Lean Leader

Lean Business Tools introduces Lean business into an organisation through the delivery of process improvements.

Six Sigma Green Belt focuses on process variation. This course aims to deliver significant bottom line savings to businesses.

Kaizen is a philosophy that encourages continuous, incremental changes in all aspects of a business to improve the whole organisation.

Value Stream Mapping is an essential tool in the Lean process. It is the flow of materials and information through a process to deliver a product or service to the customer.

This course outlines the typical downtime losses associated with machinery, systems or services and the steps required to move towards autonomous maintenance.

SMED is a methodology providing a rapid and efficient way of converting a process from executing one item to executing the next item.

5S Workplace Organisation is the principle of waste elimination in a business. How much time is lost in business planning?

Kanban & Pull Systems use a signal to trigger the movement, production or supply of a unit of material or information.

Case Studies

You can also read our case studies to see how our clients used Lean Tools to improve their business.